
  • Arts & Literacy After School Programs Start

    Monday to Friday
    2:30pm to 5:30pm

    I.S. 230
  • I-Ready ELA Start 9/16 - 9/20

    I.S. 230
  • In Person PTA Meeting 5:30pm

    Parent Teacher Association meeting
    School main building

    I.S. 230
  • Virtual Evening Meet the Teacher Night

    5pm - 8pm

    I.S. 230
  • In Person SLT meeting 7:20am

    School main library

    I.S. 230
View Monthly Calendar


  • Principal's Weekly letter 9/13/24

    Principal's Weekly letter 9/13/24

    Emergency Readiness Initiatives Parent Letter

    September 13, 2024

    Dear Families,

    I hope all is well! I hope all is well! We had a very successful first full week of school.  The buzz of excitement, anxiousness and an opportunity for a fresh start was carried over from last week.

    Today the new OMNY metro cards were handed out to students during homeroom.  A few students did not receive their new OMNY metro card as we are waiting for an additional shipment of cards to arrive next week.  Next week we will start to hand out student I.D cards

    Families please continue to fill out the Family Income Inquiry Form formerly known as the Lunch Form Survey. Although lunch is free for NYC students, to assure the appropriate share of federal Title I funds are given to IS 230 for your child’s education, we still need you to complete a lunch form by September 23, 2024.

    It is now online at

    We are aware that some students have not received their official IS230 uniforms.  In the meantime, those students may wear a royal blue polo shirt and black pants until their official uniforms arrive.

    Starting the week of September 16th, we will start to conduct our Baseline I-Ready ELA, Math and Science Amplify testing.  All testing will take place during your child’s regularly scheduled class time. The purpose of the baseline test is to provide students, teachers and families with a complete picture of our students' performance relating to their grade level and national norms. The tests take roughly 2-4 periods to complete. It will be the responsibility of the classroom teachers to ensure students complete the baseline assessment and any make-ups.  Families please encourage your students to complete I-Ready or IXL assignments that are assigned for homework and independent practice to help your child’s growth.  The testing dates are below:

    ELA: 9/16/23-9/20/24

    Math: 9/23/23-9/27/24

    Science: 9/30/23-10/10/24

    Once all baseline testing has been completed by the middle of October families will receive two documents from your child’s ELA and Math teachers.  The documents are entitled I-Ready Growth Report and I-Ready Growth Diagnostic for Families. These documents will explain to families how to read and understand your child’s ELA and Math I-Ready Data. There is a QR code on the back of the I-Ready Growth Report that translates the document in Arabic, Bengali, Chinese and Spanish.  Please take the time to read and sign the documents with your child.

    On September 16th our Arts and Literacy Afterschool program will begin.  Families of students who have been accepted into the program have been contacted by the Director Olga Valladares via email. 

    On September 18th at 5:30 p.m we will be holding our first P.T.A meeting of the year. One of our goals this year is to increase parent involvement at IS 230. At our first P.T.A meeting we will be giving away Back to school supplies/backpacks provided by 115th Precinct, other I.S. 230 swag and we will have a presentation by the administration about the goals, instructional focus and new initatives.  

    Purpose: To give Parents/ Guardians any opportunity to meet your child’s teacher’s virtually in order to understand the academic expectations for the 2024-2025 School Year.  This event is also an opportunity for you and your child(ren) to spend an educational Thursday night together.

    How:  Parents/Guardians will log on to your child’s Google Classroom by using your child’s N.Y.C.D.O.E email address/ password. No personal or other outside email address will be allowed into the Google Meets.  We are doing this as a safety precaution.

    Parents/Guardians you will follow your child’s Thursday schedule.  Your child has a hard copy of their class schedule, please ask to see it and ask your child to help you navigate the virtual classrooms.

    Parents/Guardians please join the Google Meet at the time listed below for each period to meet your child’s teacher.





          5:05-5:24 p.m.


                                        5:27-5:46 p.m.


                                        5:49- 6:08 p.m.


                                       6:11- 6:30 p.m.


                                       6:33- 6:52 p.m.


                                       6:55-7:14 p.m.


                                       7:17- 7:36 p.m.


                                       7:39-7:58 p.m.


    During your child’s lunch period, which is either Period 4, Period 5, Period 6 or Period 7, we ask you to fill out the following Parent Survey and view a Presentation on Restorative Justice Practices  (see below).  The purpose of the survey is to determine how we at I.S. 230 can best support our school communities Social Emotional Learning needs this year. 

    S.E.L Survey 

    SEL Family Survey 2024-25 (English)

    SEL Family Survey 2024-25 (Spanish)

    SEL Family Survey 2024-25 (Bengali)

     Restorative Justice Practice Presentation.

    IS230 RP/SEL 2024-2025 Meet the Teacher Night

    Restorative Practices Corner

    One of our newest and biggest initiatives this year is rolling out Homeroom. Homeroom will take place from 8:00 to 8:20 a.m. every morning.  Homeroom is mandatory and  part of your child’s school day. The purpose of Homeroom is to provide a space for our staff and students to take attendance, conduct announcements and most importantly an opportunity to connect with their peers in a meaningful way before starting the day.  We are utilizing the MorningSide Cultural Affirming Wheel as our framework.  To learn more about Restorative Practices and Morningside, please visit the link below.

    Important Upcoming Dates

     September 16, 2024 Arts and Literacy After School program will begin. 

    September 16, 2024: ELA I-Ready Testing Window Opens for Students

    September 18 PTA meeting @ 5:30 p.m. in person IS230 Main Auditorium

    September 19, 2024 Virtual Meet the Teacher Night from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. via Google Classroom

    September 20,, SLT meeting IS230 Main Library @ 7:20 a.m

    We look forward to our first full week of school next week and continuing to improve communication and relationships here at IS230.

    Please visit our website to get more information and sign up for E-Chalk Notification.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    Mr. Ajith Satyanarayana





    I.S. 230
  • Lunch Form 2024-2025

    Lunch Form 

    September 2024

    Dear Parents & Guardians,

     Although lunch is free for NYC students, to assure the appropriate share of federal Title I funds are given to IS 230 for your child’s education, we still need you to complete a lunch form by September 23, 2024. 

     The Department of Education has changed the name of the form to the Family Income Inquiry Form.  It is now online at   You will need to enter the Zip Code for our school (11372) and then begin the application process.   

     The Family Income Inquiry Form will ask you to fill out basic information about your child and family income. It is very convenient to fill it out online. If you feel you will not qualify for free or reduced lunch you still need to fill out the form, just indicate it online.

     If you have any questions or need more information, please contact your child’s dean. 

    6th Grade: Mrs. Martinez

    7th Grade: Mr. Espinal

    8th Grade: Mrs. Neligan

    Thank you,

    Septiembre 2024 Estimados padres y tutores, Aunque el almuerzo es gratuito para los estudiantes de la Ciudad de Nueva York, para garantizar que se entregue la parte adecuada de los fondos federales del Título I a IS 230 para la educación de su hijo, aún necesitamos que complete un formulario de almuerzo antes del 23 de septiembre de 2024. El Departamento de Educación ha cambiado el nombre del formulario a Formulario de consulta de ingresos familiares. Ahora está en línea en Deberá ingresar el código postal de nuestra escuela (11372) y luego comenzar el proceso de solicitud. El Formulario de consulta de ingresos familiares le pedirá que complete información básica sobre su hijo y los ingresos familiares. Es muy conveniente completarlo en línea. Si cree que no calificará para recibir almuerzo gratis o a precio reducido, aún debe completar el formulario, simplemente indíquelo en línea. Si tiene alguna pregunta o necesita más información, comuníquese con el decano de su hijo. 6to Grado: Sra. Martínez 7mo grado: Sr. Espinal 8vo grado: Sra. Neligan Gracias, Ajith Satyana Rayana Principal


    I.S. 230
  • September Calendar 2024

    September Calendar 2024



    I.S. 230
  • Supply List 2024-2025

    Supply List 2024-2025

    August 2024

    Suggested General Supply List

    4 Marble Composition Notebooks
    Loose-Leaf Filler Paper
    2 - 3 Highlighters
    Pens (Black or Blue please)
    Pencil Case (optional)
    3 - 4 Packages of Post-It Notes
    4 Pocket Folders
    USB Flash Drive
    Wired Headphones

    Subject teachers will provide information about any additional and necessary classroom
    supplies in September.

    I.S. 230
  • School Uniform Online Order for year 2024-2025


    The school’s webstore address is . 

    The store is now open for new orders.

    Below are your ordering windows: 

    Window # Ordering Window Open/Close Date Approx. Delivery Date
    Ordering Window #1: June 7 -8/7 September 4th
    Ordering Window #2: 8/8-8/28 9/25
    Ordering Window #3:




    Once the First ordering window closes at midnight, August 7th, the company will begin to source, decorate, pack and ship all the orders received in this window. 

    All products will be shipped directly to the shipping address you provide.  

    Please use an address where someone is available to accept your package; be sure to include your apartment number if applicable. 

    Please make sure you order the correct size, if you need to see a sample contact Mr. Salazar your Parent Coordinator at 

    Must Order In First Window For Delivery By First Day Of School

    All orders are shipping to homes. Return and Reorders are handled by Smooth directly.

    School Uniform Flier

    Traducido por google.


    La dirección de la tienda web de la escuela es .   

    La tienda ya está abierta para nuevos pedidos.

    A continuación se muestran sus ventanas de pedido:

    Ventanas              Fecha de apertura/cierre de la ventana de pedidos          Aprox. Fecha de entrega

    Ventana 1:                                  6/7/24-8/7/24                                                                                9/4/24

    Ventana 2:                                 8/8/24-8/28/24                                                                              9/25/24

    Ventana 3:                               8/29/24-9/25/24                                                                             10/23/24


    Una vez que se cierre el primer período de pedidos a la medianoche del 7 de agosto, la empresa comenzará a obtener, decorar, empaquetar y enviar todos los pedidos recibidos en este período.

    Todos los productos se enviarán directamente a la dirección de envío que usted proporcione.

    Utilice una dirección donde haya alguien disponible para aceptar su paquete; asegúrese de incluir el número de su apartamento, si corresponde.

    Asegúrese de pedir el tamaño correcto; si necesita ver una muestra, comuníquese con el Sr. Salazar, su coordinador de padres, en

    Debe realizar el pedido en la primera ventana para recibirlo antes del primer día de clases

    Todos los pedidos se envían a domicilio. Las devoluciones y los nuevos pedidos son manejados directamente por Smooth.

    Folleto de uniforme escolar

    I.S. 230
  • NYC Kids Rise - for 6th graders ONLY

    Free NYC Scholarship Accounts with money for college and career training!

    Every kindergarten, first grade, and second grade student enrolled in NYC public schools,
    including participating charter schools, can participate in the NYC Kids RISE Save for College
    Program!* Family income and immigration status do not affect eligibility. Eligible students are
    automatically enrolled unless their parents or guardians choose not to participate.

    Students receive a free NYC Scholarship Account with an initial $100. There are opportunities
    to get more money for your child’s account over time.** Organizations, businesses, and neighbors
    can contribute money to groups of students’ NYC Scholarship Accounts through Community

    Money in this account can be used to pay for a variety of college and career training expenses
    such as tuition, fees, and textbooks. For your child’s NYC Scholarship Account:

    • You do not need to deposit money
    • You do not need to provide a Social Security Number (SSN), Individual Taxpayer
    Identification Number (ITIN), bank account, or credit card information

    Learn more:

    • Talk to your child’s school
    • Call the NYC Kids RISE hotline at 833-543-7473 for information in your language
    • Email
    • Visit

    *Every kindergarten through fifth-grade student in the 39 pilot schools in geographic District 30 can participate.
    **Parents and guardians of kindergartners, and other eligible students who are new to the Save for College Program
    this school year, will be able to activate and view their child’s NYC Scholarship Account starting in January


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    I.S. 230
  • IS230Q Instructional Goals 2023-2024

    Is230Q Instructional Goals 2023-24

                 2023-2024 Instructional Goals

    • Engage all teachers and students in L.C.I trainings by the inter-weaving of CRS-E and Habits of Mind principles in order to create a seamless experience
      that focuses on Students in the Center.
    • Embed 21st Century literacy skills in all content areas in order to address core competencies such as
      academic vocabulary, collaboration, digital literacy, critical thinking, and problem-solving to help students thrive in today's world.

    • Integrate the SEL Coordinator, Social Worker roles and DESSA data to increase focus, mindfulness, and emotional wellness for the entire school community.
    I.S. 230
  • Welcome to Our Website!

    Thank you for visiting our website! Please check back often as updates are made.

    I.S. 230
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Helpful Links / Social Media


       Google Classroomnyc schools accountnyc teach hub     facebook qr code            instagram qr code        

Contact Us

IS230Q MAIN Building (Grades 7-8)

73-10 34th Avenue, Jackson Heights, NY 11372 

Phone: (718) 335-7648


IS230Q  ANNEX Building (Grade 6)

74-03 34th Avenue, Jackson Heights, NY 11372

Phone: (718) 565-4560